So far interfaces that reproduce perfectly the human expression and figure have been considered as a fundamentally unreachable goal, even if they represent a natural mode of interaction between man and machine. Through the pragmatic and effective fusion of human creativity, state of the art technology from IT (Information Technology) and digital cinematography, OLOS® reaches it and changes the assumption that this is just a matter of engineering: by playing parts and roles, human beings of flesh and blood supply all the expressions and actions used by the interfaces in the subsequent interaction with the users. Therefore, they look and behave so human that the term most suited to them is holographic human beings.
The New Frontier of Interaction
Possible Applications
OLOS® is particularly suitable for installation in the following environments:
- Museums and places of culture
- Theatres
- Holographic galleries
- Fairs
D. Baldacci, R. Pareschi, The OLOS® Way to Cultural Heritage: User Interface with Anthropomorphic Characteristics, in “World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology International Journal of Civil and Architectural Engineering” Vol:14, No:10, 2020, pp. 331-335.
F. Marulli, R. Pareschi e D. Baldacci, The Internet of Speaking Things and its Applications to Cultural Heritage, IoTBD in “Proceedings of the International Conference on Internet of Things and Big Data”, 2016, pp. 107-117.
Michele Materazzini, Alessia Melis, Andrea Zingoni, Daniele Baldacci, Giuseppe Calabrò, Juri Taborri, Which Are the Needs of People with Learning Disorders for
Inclusive Museums? Design of OLOS®—An Innovative Audio-Visual Technology, under review – Applied Science.