OLOS® Piacere D’Annunzio


Appointments/services for cultural activities, entertainment, tourism and sports, crafts, food, wine, for the implementation of projects, events, activities, shows and performances to be included in the program “ABRUZZO OPEN DAY WINTER EDITION 2016” 

MAIN GENERAL OBJECTIVE: supporting a process of internationalization, innovation, promotional development of the territory.

SPECIFIC AREA OF INTERVENTION: original and innovative tourist-cultural events on themes allowing the enhancement of cultural, artistic, gastronomic, natural resources hosted in valuable locations or National and Regional Museums.

PREMISE ABOUT THE GENERAL OBJECTIVES: Supporting a process of internationalization, INNOVATION and promotional development of the territory and its cultural values, and thanks to the use of contents. It is a new and compelling experience: resurrect a historical figure in the manner of a genius loci and bring him near to those who approach the history of our land for the first time in several languages in order to encourage dialogue with an increasingly demanding international tourism.

The holographic display technique is certainly the most advanced and “business oriented” one currently available. The cultural key that links the two themes –i.e., the choice of a symbolic character to be interpreted by a real theatre actor– makes this project unique: an experience of show and entertainment as well as an experience of knowledge and discovery merged into an unforgettable moment.

Being guided by one of the most acclaimed protagonists of our culture in the visit and discovery of Abruzzo using a winking and colloquial language (but also alluring and old-fashioned like the one of the Vate) represents a very strong and engaging interactive experience. It adds a pinch of attractiveness to the classic proposal of a static info-point of mere consultation and turns the discovery of Abruzzo into a theatrical, interactive, contemporary, compelling and unique experience for an audience of all ages and backgrounds often used to similar shows in the world of mass entertainment and yet always ready to be amazed.

This creates a Destination Appeal that arouses the interest of a large audience, which evolves into an emerging will to travel and discover.