PROGRAMMA “BREVETTI+” Decreto Direttoriale 26 novembre 2019
Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico DIREZIONE GENERALE PER LA TUTELA DELLA PROPRIETA’ INDUSTRIALE – UFFICIO ITALIANO BREVETTI E MARCHI Divisione VII – Brevetti nazionali, europei e domande internazionali di brevetto
Brevetti+ is the incentive for the economic exploitation of patents promoted by the Ministry of Economic Development managed by Invitalia.
The purpose of presenting the invention is to provide a procedure in order to create an audiovisual apparatus able to reproduce a human subject by simulating his or her presence in a real environment surrounding the apparatus itself according to the patent HI® (Italian patent number 0001428984 – HI® Italian trademark registered with MISE – UIBM).
The HI®MCD – HUMAN INTERFACE MULTICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT project is placed within the targets of intervention provided in the Public Notice “Patents +” Art. 6 paragraph 1 – Industrialization and Engineering, more specifically, the design and implementation of the software related to the process object of the patent. The Proposing Company will implement a plan of intangible investments aimed at increasing its competitiveness in the reference market. The action of exploiting the patent requires specialized services of various kinds aimed at strengthening and defining more specific ways of interaction. In detail, the services identified in the project plan include computer engineering processes capable of modelling the concepts of usability into capabilities, functionality and properties of the defined solution both upfront (from design to implementation) and backward (through testing, validation of results and system integration). The software platform is based on a new sustainable model of knowledge and valorization able to preserve heritage for future generations through the innovation of processes and products.
The results of the service arise from the need to meet customers’ requirements in the cultural sector. Professional services will be used to integrate the HI® hardware (manufactured under Italian patent no. 0001428984) with the HI®MCD software developed. Thanks to this activity, the Proposing Company will acquire skills for a competitive positioning in the market in terms of Brand Reputation, Brand Equity and, of course, B2B customer satisfaction.
TOTAL Eligible Investment 112,000.00 €
TOTAL Subsidy Granted 73,842.85 €