Project “Immersive Caves” – HI®, OLOS®, and I-CINEMA® for The Natural Monument Falvaterra Caves and Rio Obaco

In response to the question posed to Lamberto Ferri Ricchi in the docufilm “An Immersive Discovery” about what the Falvaterra Caves represent to him, he answers, with slightly teary eyes full of reminiscence, that they are a continuous flow, a continuum. And perhaps there is no better definition: these caves are a journey into the depths of the earth that has been ongoing for millennia. The waters flowing through them seem uninterrupted: originating from the karst basins of Monte Lamia, they first settle in the Pastena Caves, which represent the sinkhole, and then continue into the Falvaterra Caves, located at the resurgence of these underground waters.

This story, which has continued ceaselessly, has not only eroded the rock but has also sparked the curiosity and imagination of thousands of people who have had the opportunity to discover and visit the Falvaterra Caves. The adventure of Lamberto Ferri Ricchi, along with his team of cave divers and his wife Michela Manzi, could not remain in oblivion; it needed to be told.

Thanks to the “Immersive Caves” project, winner of the Public Call from the Lazio Region for the “Enhancement of Cultural Sites 2021,” it has been possible to move forward with a project that allows anyone who wishes to embark on an “immersive discovery.”

Through our innovative patented methodologies, we have been able to carry out interactive enhancement interventions using immersive technologies in one of the most captivating places in Lazio: The Natural Monument Falvaterra Caves and Rio Obaco.

The project focused primarily on three key aspects:

HI®-HUMAN INTERFACE Installation: Inside the Caves’ Visitor Center, a new interactive installation has been set up featuring a full-body virtual character portraying cave diver Michela Manzi, who guides visitors in discovering the history of the Caves and the territory of the Natural Monument Falvaterra Caves and Rio Obaco, offering useful information to make the visit unforgettable.

Immersive Multisensory Interactive Pathway Created Using Patented OLOS® Methodology: At the main entrance to the Caves, visitors can fully immerse themselves in the history and beauty of the site thanks to a new multisensory pathway that takes them on a journey back in time, all the way to the prehistoric origins of the place. Sounds, lights, holographic images, animations, and video projections related to the underground world create a unique and engaging experience.

Interactive Docufilm Produced Using Patented I-CINEMA® Methodology: To further deepen their knowledge of the Natural Monument Falvaterra Caves and Rio Obaco, visitors can watch the docufilm, which features specific sections for in-depth exploration and additional accessibility features. The audiovisual production, titled “An Immersive Discovery,” tells an enthralling story while retracing in detail the moments leading up to the discovery of the caves and the stories linked to the site, thanks to exclusive interviews with the real-life protagonists of these adventures. The docufilm can be viewed from smartphones and tablets on Vimeo, and from PC on the official website, where visitors can explore the different contents with interviews featuring the main figures of the story.

With the delivery of these installations, the “Immersive Caves” project has achieved its goal of enhancing and making accessible one of the most fascinating natural heritages of Lazio. Now, at the Natural Monument Falvaterra Caves and Rio Obaco, visitors from around the world can immerse themselves in a one-of-a-kind experience.